How do we begin the solar process?
The first step in deciding if you can employ solar power in your home or business is to consider the space requirements for a system.
The core issue for most people is return on investment. This question is intimate with your projected time frame occupying your current residence or building.
If you are a business owner, then there is typically another layer of tax credits and incentive programs available. If you file a schedule C or F or similar and can use solar power in any way as a part of your business....then you qualify. These include a 30% Federal tax credit, an accelerated 5-year depreciation adjustment, state tax credits, etc. Solar pencils out to cost only 5-10 percent after 5 years for business use in Oregon for example. It is a large upfront investment that is returned many times over in the longer term.
Finally, don't underestimate what you already pay for energy month to month. The average power bill in America is $ 300 every month. That is: $3,600 per year. That is: $36,000 in 10 years. Even with NO tax incentives, solar would pay for itself in this time frame. Please consider investing in yourself.
Also note that power rates will most likely not come down in the coming years...
The systems are surprisingly easy to install. In fact, if you have recently hooked up a home theater system, you are probably over qualified to install a solar system on your own house.